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Backpacker Radio

Sep 14, 2018

Before leaving for a long distance trek, it's common for people to envision worst case scenario. For Piers Ellison, on his 2016 PCT hike, this fear became a reality when he was bitten by a brown recluse spider.  In episode 19, we talk in depth about this nightmare, how he hiked the entire PCT while carrying his guitar, the challenges an international hiker must confront in order to trek one of the United States' long trails, and finally, Piers delights us by playing a pair of songs from his new EP "Distance".  Also, Chaunce is drunk. 

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Subjects discussed include:

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A big thank you to our Cinnamon Connection Champions from Patreon: Gregory Gardner, Kate Hurley, Clint "DuctTape" Sherbet, and Peter Leven.

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