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Backpacker Radio

Aug 20, 2019

The Cinnamon is Connected for good. Or for bad. But undoubtedly, for the foreseeable future. Chaunce and Badger go deep on the rest of Chaunce's Appalachian Trail thru-hike, including untold poo stories, her take on New Hampshire and Maine, her legendary chafing, how she gained weight while thru-hiking, suggestions for the ATC, and how she plans to combat post thru-hike depression now that she's back in the "real world". We chat about Badger's recent hikes on the Wind River High Route and Pfiffner Traverse. We introduce a brand new segment, Unpopular Opinions and have a Patent Pending. This is a full show, so grab an extra PBR and saddle up. 

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Subjects discussed in the episode include:

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A super big thank you to our Chuck Norris Award winner(s) from Patreon: Christopher Mashburn, S11N, Sawyer Products, Todd Cartner, and Travis Smith

A big thank you to our Cinnamon Connection Champions from Patreon: Gregory Gardner and Peter Leven

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