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Backpacker Radio

Nov 21, 2019

Today we are joined by Anitra Kass, aka Nitro, who's a triple crowner and the PCTA’s Southern California Regional Representative.  Anitra is a wealth of information on all things PCT and conservation.  We talk about the new permitting changes for the Sierra and for southbounders, some of the biggest threats to the trail, how to best get involved as a volunteer for the PCT, CrossFit, and more.  Chaunce and Badger give a peek into their first aid kits, we have a new triple crown of segment, and get some advice from a listener on how to ease kids into the backcountry without annoying others.  

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A super big thank you to our Chuck Norris Award winner(s) from Patreon: Andrew, Austen Mcdaniel, Christopher Marshburn, Lance Whitley, S11N, Sawyer Products, Thomas Fullmer

A big thank you to our Cinnamon Connection Champions from Patreon: Douglas Koeneman, Gregory Gardner, Jacob Northrup, Peter Leven, Peter Ellenberg

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